The collage you see before you was one of our tasks in the design for fur campaign. To make it we had a piece of A3 paper and glue. we were told to be imaginative in our designs, For my Collage I used a Zebra Pattern background which I found in a magazine, I used this because it links in with animals fur coating, it also really stands out with the rest of the picture. after doing the background I went onto the main design (the middle one). I then found women who look like models to put on the poster holding the label Design Against Fur.
During my day at college I realised a lot of the students where wearing fur coated hats so i thought id go over the top and instead of using the fur I cut the tigers head of his body and cut a women out. I then cut in-between the middle of the tiger a circle so the women could put her head in it and it looks like a hat. But then i thought i could improve this as it needs to be fashionable so i cut the circle so it was a split circle and made them look like the two random sides on winter hats you see today. I chose the white tiger so it matched my background.
My next move was the tiger at the top of my project to make this i used my old image I made of the tiger in a skin suit. I thought it was a good idea to show 'if we can wear animal skins who is to say they cant wear us to'. I cut the image out and changed the saturation so it looks more funky and creative.
The next move I did was i took the letters from the poster above changed the saturation to mixed colours and stuck them on the a3 paper in a diagonal shape because I thought having it in one straight line is not very creative and artists like David Carson and Neville Broody don't just have a straight line print of writing, its always manipulated in there work.
Finally i used some of the old winners of the Design Against Fur Campaign 2010 in the canvas as i liked the ideas example the one bellow
I really like this image as I think it is very creative how they made it and the purpose it is bringing, as the person looking at the piece I can see exactly what it is showing but its done in a very artistic way. The colours with the white background and the rabbit are very clever as I believe the person who made this is thinking outside the box as i would imagine the white colour would be colour coordinating the sense of innocence and the blood from the credit card which has been cleverly put as to make it look like a knife is going through the rabbit when actually its the card. i believe the red blood is colour coordinating suffering and pain.